Inspection Team Meetings
The inspection team conducts a working lunch meeting to privately discuss inspection findings from the morning and address particular matters of concern. At this time, the team may re-evaluate the agenda and adjust it as necessary. If you feel that a problem must be addressed during the inspection, use the time at the lunch break to seek advice from the other inspectors or the FACT Accreditation Office. In most cases, issues focus on interpretation of a standard. This is most easily addressed by describing the incident in your report and requesting the Accreditation Committee to make the final decision.
Because cord blood bank inspections are conducted over two days, the inspection team should meet at the end of the first day. This can be done at the bank to allow you time to gather a list of documentation that you would like available for the next day. Alternatively, the team leader may arrange with the FACT Accreditation Office for a room to be made available at your hotel for an evening meeting.
It is important for inspection team members to compare notes before the exit interview and review what information will be presented to the applicant. An applicant should never be cited for deficiencies because the inspectors failed to exchange their findings. This must occur before the exit interview to ensure a unified report is delivered.
The inspection team may also wish to meet after the inspection to coordinate preparation of the report.